Welcome to SIT-MOVE – Mobility and Sedentary Behavior in Focus

Our Research Team

Meet the experts who are part of the Sit-Move network, dedicated to investigating the impacts of sedentary behavior and mobility on public health.



Renowned Researchers

Collaborative Initiative


Researchers dedicated to the study of sedentary behavior and mobility.

Alynne Christian Ribeiro Andaki - UFTM

Bruno de Freitas Camilo - UEMG

Ciro José Brito - UFJF

Douglas Assis Teles Santos - UNEB

Edmar Larcerda Mendes - UFTM

Esteban Ariel Aedo Muñoz - USACH - Chile

Jair Sindra Virtuoso Júnior - UFTM

Jeffer Eidi Sasaki - UW-Madison - EUA

Lucas Lima Galvão - UNEB

Saulo Vasconcelos Rocha - UESB

Sheilla Tribess - UFTM

Vicente Romo Perez - UVIGO - Espanha